Explosion Vent Panels are designed to suit different working conditions of industrial processes, optimizing their performance in terms of working conditions.
Flat Explosion Vent Panels
BRP type
Type BRP
Technical specifications :
For organic and metallic dust St3
Pstat at 20ºC: 20 to 500 mbarg ±15%
Working Pressure: 40% Pstat
Standard Working Temp.: -40ºC to 70ºC
Material: AISI 304 or AISI 316
Certificat ATEX : LOM06ATEX7033X
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Panneau d'Explosion Plat Rectangulaire BRP
Type Mesures (mm) Av (m²)
BRP550x150 550 x 150 0,038
BRP350x200 350 x 200 0,036
BRP550x250 550x250 0,090
BRP610x300 610 x 300 0,132
BRP550x350 550 x 350 0,134
BRP537x385 537 x 385 0,130
BRP880x530 880 x 530 0,347
BRP670x570 670 x 570 0,289
BRP1100x600 1100 x 600 0,510
BRP1000x666 1000 x 666 0,524
BRP1198x995 1198 x 995 1,020
BRP1000x1000 1000 x 1000 0,828
BRP1100x1100 1100 x 1100 1,020
BRP2000x1000 2000 x 1000 1,730
-> see domed explosion vent panel
Round flat explosion vent panel
type BRC
Type BRC
Technical spécifications :
For organic dust St2
Pstat at 20ºC: 20 to 500 mbarg ±25%
Working Pressure: 40% Pstat
Standard Working Temp.: -40ºC to 70ºC
Material: AISI 304 or AISI 316
ATEX Certificate: LOM12ATEX7080X
Panneau d'Explosion Plat Rond BRC
Type Ø (mm) Av (m²)
BRC260 260 0,024
BRC370 370 0,060
BRC470 470 0,100
BRC686 686 0,290
BRC780 780 0,350
BRC1085 1085 0,740
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-> see domed explosion vent panel
Flat explosion vent panel for trapezoid silo type BRT
Type BRT – for Silo
Technical spécifications :
For organic dust St1
Pstat at 20ºC: 20 to 500 mbarg ±25%
Working Pressure: 40% Pstat
Standard Working Temp.: -40ºC to 70ºC
Material: AISI 304 or AISI 316
ATEX Certificate: LOM11ATEX7048X
Panneau d'Explosion spécial Silo BRT
Type spécial SILO Mesures (mm) Av (m²)
BRT1400 1400x600x366,6 0,53
BRT2000 2000x875x585 1,23
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-> see domed explosion vent panel