Applications :
Disc for liquids, gas and vapors
Operating ratio: 80% of the bursting pressure at 20°C
Lowest burst pressure can be realized (+25 mbar eff.)
Construction in accordance with directive 97/23/CE :
Between 2 laser-cut metal foils lies a PTFE sealing membrane
on fragmenting disc
Vacuum resistant
-80°C to +150°C because of PTFE sealing
DN15 à DN1200
Bursting tolerances: +/- 5% and +/- 15%
Materials : Stainless steel 316, Nickel, Hastelloy®, Inconel
Alternatives :
With detection plate
Bi-directional: bursting either in pressure or vacuum
PTFE lined on process side
Some other type of bursting discs (stainless steel, nickel, inconel, graphite…) may reach your need, feel free to contact us.
Flat composite metallic disc
Non fragmenting flat disc after bursting
Flat composite disc with detection plate, in holder
Applications :
For liquids (with gas cushion), gas and vapours
Tolerance of burst pressure : +/- 10 % (+/-5 % upon request)
Ideal for application with safety valve
Recommanded for :
Alternative or high operating pressures
Alternative or high operating temperatures (-196°C / +550°C)
Total sealing
Construction: in accordance with directive 97/23/CE :
Reverse buckling discs are scored full metal discs
Non fragmenting disc
Full vacuum resistant
DN15 to DN200
Materials : Stainless steel 316, Nickel, Hastelloy®, Inconel, Tantalum (extremely resistant to corrosion)
Additional accessories :
Membrane Signal Detector
Inductive Signal Detector
Magnetic Signal Detector
Optical Signal Detector
Some other type of bursting discs (stainless steel, nickel, inconel, graphite…) may reach your need, feel free to contact us.
Applications :
Disc for liquids, gas and vapors
Construction in accordance with directive 97/23/CE :
Between 2 laser-cut metal foils lies a PTFE sealing membrane
EPDM (FDA ) or PTFE gaskets
Non fragmenting disc
Vacuum resistant
DN20 to DN50
Materials : Stainless steel 316, Nickel, Hastelloy®, Inconel
Alternatives :
Reverse buckling discs: full metal discs
Seamless surface design for sterile applications Ra< 0,8µm
PTFE lining on process side
Some other type of bursting discs (stainless steel, nickel, inconel, graphite…) may reach your need, feel free to contact us.
Disc for sterile installations
Detection with Two tantalum contacts
Detection with contact finger
Description :
The alarm systems used for monitoring graphite safety discs provide a visual and acoustic alarm or trigger plant cutoffs. Two tantalum contacts or a contact finger in the alarm system press against the membrane of the safety disc and close the circuit of an amplifier relay. When the safety disc ruptures, the current circuit is interrupted and this triggers the alarm.
Advantages :
Corrosion resistance ensured by use of suitable materials
Reusability after safety disk rupture
Simple electrical connection via the 1.5 meter-long integral connecting cable
Used together with the matching amplifier relay, this system can also be operated in high explosion risk zones
Technical data :
Service voltage : AC 207V-253V, 45Hz – 60Hz, DC20 V – 30V
Circuit [EExia] II C, input as per DIN 19234 (Namur)
Output: 1 changeover AC 253 V / 2 A, DC 40 V / 2 A
The amplifier relay should be mounted outside the explosion risk zone
Construction: in accordance with directive 97/23/CE :
1/4″, 1/2″, 3/4″, 1″
Bursting pressure : 2 à 400 bar
Separate idenditification plate
Helium leakage test : rates up to 10 -9 mbar/l.s
Materials : Stainless steel 316, Nickel, Hastelloy ®, Inconel
Mounting :
High purity gas bursting disc
VCR coupling
Applications : Pumps and high equipments
Construction: in accordance with directive 97/23/CE :
Bursting pressure : 400 to 5000 bar
Separate idenditification plate
Materials : Stainless steel 316, Nickel
Sealing :
Obtained by a conical thrust piece in the conical seating of a high-pressure screw coupling of the Dunze/Nova/Sitec style
Some other type of bursting discs (stainless steel, nickel, inconel, graphite…) may reach your need, feel free to contact us.
High pressure bursting discs
Application : Standard applications with partial vacuum
Construction :
Monoblock construction for direct mounting between DIN / ISO or ANSI standard flanges
Fragmenting disc
Synthetic resin-impregnated process equipment graphite
Field of use :
Bursting pressure : 100 mbar to 80 bar
N I : 0,1 to 50 bar
N II : up to 80 bar
Maxi service pressure in % of nominal bursting pressure :
Static load : 75%
Oscillating load : 70%
No change in bursting pressures from -60 to +50°C, thereafter about 5% reduction per 40°C rise in temperature
Some other type of bursting discs (stainless steel, nickel, inconel, graphite…) may reach your need, feel free to contact us.
Series N with vacuum support
Applications :
Bursting behaviour unaffected by temperature
Vacuum operation (with separate, reusable perforated disc made from graphite or PTFE)
Food applications (FDA) , no risk to health
Construction :
Monoblock construction for direct mounting between DIN / ISO or ANSI standard flanges
Fragmenting disc
Non-resin-impregnated process equipment graphite with graphite foil or PTFE film (not vacuum resistant)
Vacuum support : with separate, reusable perforated disc made from graphite or PTFE
Field of use :
Bursting pressure : 0,1 to 80 bar
HT I : 0,1 to 35 bar
HT II : up to 80 bar
Maxi service pressure in % of nominal bursting pressure :
Static load : 80%
Oscillating load : 75%
Temperatures range :
-60 to +300°C with graphite foil
-60 to +250°C with PTFE foil
Some other type of bursting discs (stainless steel, nickel, inconel, graphite…) may reach your need, feel free to contact us .
Series HT
Vacuum support for Series HT I et F
We can offer you fragmenting and non fragmenting discs, suitable for different applications.